Tuesday, February 17, 2015

More than Just a Movie Seat

Think about the last time you went to the movie theater...What movie did you see? What was the snack of choice? Did you go alone or with your best friend? Last question to ask yourself, what seat did you pick to sit in? The answer to that may be able to tell you what type of personality you have!

Front & Center

When I think of the movie-goers that choose the very front row, I immediately imagine that kid in Trigonometry that just had to prove everybody else wrong. These are the over-achievers, the ones that need to be close so that they are getting the information first. In some cases they're the bravest ones in the theater, especially if they choose the front seat for a horror film!


This person likes to be in the right place at the right time. Sitting right in the middle allows them to see the entire screen without turning their neck and they have the best sound quality. I compare these people to the families that always go south for the winter or the people who go to Sam's Club when they're handing out free samples.

Aisle Seat

These people like knowing where the exit is. They tend to be introverted, meaning a lot of people in one room is sometimes overwhelming. They solve the issue by being in a position to leave as quickly as possible. If you run into them at a party, they'll be closest to a door or a window. (Although, there may be other reasons for sitting in this spot--kids at home, second trips to the candy counter,etc.)

The-I'll Sit in the Last Row 

These people tend to be the deep thinkers of the theater. They're the ones that want to take every aspect of the movie and dissect it. When these people come across a term or idea they are not familiar with, they'll be the ones to look it up on Google when they get home. If you're friends with one of these people, they don't like to be bothered during the movie-since they're so focused on what's happening. So if you have to keep repeating yourself, don't take it personally.


These are the movie-goers that chose a different seat every time. They love spontaneity and are known to be very creative. You may notice some patterns with the different movies they go to watch, for example; sitting far away for a scary movie or on the sides during a gory film(in which case it's not so random). When I think of one of these viewers, I think of person who goes up to a fountain pop machine and fills their cup with one of everything.

Do you see yourself in any of these categories? Tell me about it! 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you compare your movie seat to the type of personality you might have and provide a funny example for each. It was a fun post about something I had never realized before!
